Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Talk

Ever since Gracie's language skills took off, I love hearing her say new words. Most words she pronounces correctly, but there are those that belong to her own little language. She is also getting really good at speaking in sentences. She still leaves out articles like 'the' or 'a' but all of the important stuff is in there. Here are some cute things she says.

"No go sthore a Mommy"- I dont want to go to the store with Mom. Words like 'with', 'and', or 'to' turn into 'a'.

"Cum on Daddy, pay rosie" -Wants to play ring around the rosies

"Looka dat"- Look at that

"Oh, tute Tempy"- Aww, cute Kemp

Fif-fished- Finished

Sani-tizer- Perfect pronounciation of 'sanitizer'. Yes, we are germ freaks with the new baby around

Heva-Heva song- A Childs Prayer song

Plin-get- Piglet from Winnie the Pooh

Thinder-relly- Cinderella, her favorite movie

Blay-tet- Blanket

"Heer a go" - Here you go

"Wayn a min-uh" Wait a minute


Cash Family said...

I love it when they start to talk. I think it's so fun to hear how they say different words. I'm impressed that she can say sanitizer. Wow!

elise said...

i'm still impressed with her perfect pronounciation of hamburger too (and that was what, 6-7 months ago?)

Amy said...

How fun! Elaine, I'm glad you posted that. It's interesting to think about how kids learn to speak. Hearing and watching them learn reminds me that I can still learn things and progress. It's very encouraging. -I love how she says that Kemp is cute! So adoreable!