Thursday, January 15, 2009

My First Blog List

I can never do these list blogs, they are so hard for me! Then I found one that is very easy. Sean never looks at this blog unless I show him so if this post suddenly disappears, it is probably because he read it! This December we celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary so I'll just say that this list is in honor of that.

Ten Things I Love About Sean

1. He is a high achiever-(hello medical school)
2. He is a real family guy-he puts huge value in putting our family first
3. He loves kids. I didn't realize this so much until we got married and I have been stunned as we have had our own, taught primary, and interacted with neices and nephews how much he enjoys children- and they love him! (see number 4)
4. He adores our kids and can't get enough of them.
5. He is such a guy- fishing, football, shooting, camping
6. He isn't afraid to show his soft side with Gracie and Kemp. I love to hear him baby talk and be so gentle
7. He has a sincere testimony and likes to talk about spiritual things
8. He loves to cook and try out new recipes
9. He always tries to put me first
10. He is hot!!


Holly Janeen said...

Sean is lucky to have you laine.

why on EARTH are we not living close together? :(

Camille said...

Sean is amazing! Birch never looks at my blog either unless it's by accident. I have written about him a few times and I don't think he sees it as a compliment? :)

Holly Janeen said...

i knew you would love the MLK post! :) i wrote it with you in mind... just remembering back to you and me and matt and shamady makes me laugh! we went bowling... we went door to door playing buy an egg borrow an egg... and i remember stopping at the glass house and then realizing that we were probably cheating people.
oh my.
good times :)