Monday, December 29, 2008

Gracie age 2

Gracie's most recent stage is trying on different outfits. Like today. She started in pjs, went to jeans and a shirt, changed to a dress, back to pjs, and then to regular clothes again. I am starting to get exhausted with this habit because I have to dress her and put all of the clothes away! Part of the fun for her is picking the outfit out. For a while she would put her swimming suit on at some point during the day. Next it was dresses, and now she wants to put her pjs on in the middle of the day. In this picture she picked out her swim suit (which is now hidden away) her hat, colts jacket, and Sunday shoes.

1 comment:

Holly Janeen said...

haha... she is growin' up!
what a good mom you are- fostering her desire for independence... even if it means bathing suits and pjs!
what a cutie.