Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bye Bye Paci

I'm back! Well, I wasn't really gone, but our computer was. We bought this computer from Best Buy last August and it began freezing up right away. The lesson we learned? Dont go to Best Buy! They will absolutely refuse to help you. Gateway was reasonable. They paid to have it shipped back and forth THREE TIMES in order to fix it. It was frustrating because there shouldn't have been any problems in the first place, but they were fair and ended up replacing some parts which was like getting a brand new computer.

Now for the real topic of this posting. Pacifiers. Who can deny that they are a life saver! I don't know about you but we totally depended on them with Gracie. She was a really good baby, but we got used to putting her to sleep with it and using it to sooth her or keep her quiet during church or in the car. This expanded to her having it any time she wanted. This isn't that abnormal, right?

When she turned a year I decided to try and wean her from it. She could only have it in her crib or at night (and naps). She responded by asking to play in her crib all day. So we limited it to only naps and at night. We weren't totally consistent. Especially when our routine was disturbed by 2-4 week rotations in different cities-which meant different apartments and beds. We felt bad and would let her have her paci during the day again. We broke down again when Kemp was born.

About a month ago Sean was reading in a medical journal about pacifier use and finally decided that we should totally end it all together. I was kinda waiting for this moment. I knew once he was in we could do it as a team, but it would be hard.

That night he went in Gracie's room and cut a tiny piece off of the tip of the pacifier. The idea is that this ruins the sucking element and bye bye paci. She woke up in the night and called for Daddy. "My paci is broken." The next day we let her have it all she wanted-but she didnt want it because it was broken. Then the hard part came. She didn't cry or throw fits, but she had a very hard time falling asleep at naps and nighttime. It took about a week for her start falling asleep in under an hour. It took two weeks until she stopped mentioning it. Three weeks-its as if she never had one!

We are still using one with Kemp because it reduces the risk of SIDS in kids under 6 months to a year. But with him I am definitely going end the whole thing a lot earlier.

Do your kids use pacifiers? How do you feel about it? When did you get rid of them?

1 comment:

elise said...

i've been thinking about that one lately too. afton still gets hers at nap time and bed time (and occasionally, ok, usually in the car)... it doesn't really bother me, cause i figure she'll give it up voluntarally eventually... but sometimes it really bothers me. haven't quite decided what to do about it either. it's starting to crack a little, so i figure it can't last too much longer, and there will be no new ones... i'm also thinking of weaning rayna from hers at the same time... but that will be a LOUD week (or three). :)