Friday, March 12, 2010

Apples to Apples

In our house apples are like candy.

First a little before and after picture. This is what Bigdog's apple looks like after working on it for 20 minutes.

I'd like to see YOU do that with only four teeth.

Then he uses it as a prop for cooking. Bigdog loves apples. And he loves to cook. He also loves to watch me cook and hangs on my leg and cries until I hold him so he can watch what I'm doing.

If there is something going on in the kitchen, Bigdog has to be there. Then he imitates it later when he plays at the toy kitchen. But I digress.

Here is another example of what four teeth can do.

I do peel off the skin, though. It makes things a little easier.

Here are two yellow-bellied creatures gnawing on apples. Here is the real question. Why did I let them eat on the couch? Now I'm gonna go get an apple because they make 'em look so good. You should hear the smacking and crunching sounds they make. Wow. Apples are delicious.


Mayhem no longer said...

mmm. You make me hungry!

Cherie said...

That's funny because apples are the same at our house. Natalie eats one almost every day. And it is unforgivable to cut it in peices (learned that the hard way)--it has to be whole. Once she's chewed it up all over, she is kind enought to "share" it with her brother.