Monday, April 19, 2010

The Magic of...

Here is my new discovery, two words, Tic Tacs. There is something magical about these small little breath fresheners that calm my kids down. They like the orange flavor the best. I confess to keeping a pack in the car, in my purse, and at our house at all times. Here is why.

Scenario 1:

(Scary Foreboding music) We are at Walmart. Our 45 minute shopping trip is coming to an end. I am unloading groceries at the check out line and Bigdog wants to be held. She-She is getting hungry for lunch. There is about to be some major screaming from both. Out come the tic tacs.(Music escalates into a a hopeful and even triumphant sound) I pop one or two in each childs mouth. They say in unison,"What is this small morsel inside my mouth? I will sit here quietly and savor the taste." Problem solved. I finish the shopping trip successfully with out disaster.

Scenario 2:

(Dramatic music) I am changing Bigdog's fourth poopy diaper of the day. He has a diaper rash. He fights to get away as he screams and thrashes around on the floor. I pop a tic tac in his mouth. (Peaceful music). He imediately says, "What is this small morsel inside my mouth? I will lay here quietly and savor the taste." I am able to put ointment on and quickly finish the diaper change.

Plus, they make a great rattle!

Generally I use tic tacs when we are in the car or at a store and there is about to be a melt down. I feel a little guilty for making my kids dependent on candy, but can you even call it that? Tic Tacs are like a half calorie each and technically breath fresheners. Maybe I should just teach my kids to behave or self-soothe somehow, but for now, tic tacs are my best friend.


Cherie said...

Definitely going to have to give that a try...

Holly Janeen said...

thank goodness you made this discovery and then SHARED it. now i can steal this great idea and survive motherhood that much easier. gracias

Camille said...

Trevor's learned how to chew them up quickly so we're working on slowly letting them melt in your mouth. Great idea about the diaper change!

elise said...

i use altoids :)