Sunday, August 23, 2009

Water Fun

What's more fun than playing in the hose? And that is just what we did yesterday. I know there are no pictures of me, but believe me, I got wet too-thanks so Gracie and SEAN. As you can see Kemp was not into it because he had just woke up from his nap. Gracie's favorite part was filling up Sean's pockets which he then slapped to make a big splash.


The Morgan Family said...

Oh my goodness. That has got to be the cutest thing. And unless there are pictures of you, I DON'T believe it! ha ha
And look at that green grass. I am totally jealous! But then again, I guess playing outside with the hose really HELPS keep the grass green. Oh yeah, and not live in AZ!! ;)

Cherie said...

Very cute pictures! Kemp does look so serious! He is so blond--are you sure he's yours?

Cash Family said...

Oh how fun!!!! Nothing beats playing with the hose on a hot day!