Thursday, December 17, 2009

At Our House

First of I want to address an issue I have been thinking about lately. It is this. Why do my kids never have clothes on. Actually, it is mostly She-She. Ever since she was little she hated wearing clothes. And in the hot Tucson weather I felt bad forcing her into anything but a diaper. Now, three years later, she still refuses to wear pants. If I get her to put them on in the morning. She'll do something like purposely spill water on them, "Uh, oh. My pants are wet. I better take them off!" I have been pondering this delima because so many times I want to post pictures and either She-She or Bigdog is not fully clothed. It seems innocent but we are trying to stress strict levels of modesty so putting pictures up for all to see is not the best example. Anyway, how do you get your kids to keep their clothes on?

Here are some recent pictures. She-SHe and Bigdog having a tea party. This is almost a daily event in our house. So if you are ever interested, She-She is a wonderful host and you are invited.

Now the latest weather report. A few weeks ago we got a nice snow storm and cold front. We got 14 inches of snow and for over a week the highs never got above 24 degrees. When Sean would leave in the morning it would be around -2 degress. Once it was -7. This meant the snow was very dry (no snowmen yet) and didn't melt. I think it did evaporate a little. Then we got a second storm and temperatures were warmer so finally it was the big day. Here is the the person of honor, made out of snow, standing in our back yard. After Sean had thrown some snowballs, scared She-She inside, and tackled me a few times, we went in and had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. This was followed by warm showers and a tea party where we practiced throwing chocolate covered cashews in the air and catching them in our mouths. It was a magical day.


elise said...

a friend of mine once duct-taped her boys into their clothes for a day... not sure if it was effective in teh long run, but it made for a funny story :) if you're interested, here;s the link, she writes a mommy-type blog:

Anderson Family said...

Impressive snowman! Now that's something you couldn't do in Tucson.

Holly Janeen said...

soooooooooo cute! all of it.