Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We put up Christmas lights last weekend. I think we spent WAY to much time working on them and maybe next year we won't be crazy enough to do all the trees. I climbed on the roof to do the upper story. Pretty crazy, huh? There was only one edge on the steep sloping side that made me nervous. It looks good but I must admit I don't know if we will be as ambitious next year. But, it was Thanksgiving weekend and we were all excited so we started and then HAD to finish. Here is our festive house:

We also decorated the Christmas tree on Sunday. She-She was SO excited. She has seen Christmas displays in stores since Halloween (whats that about?) and could not wait to put up our tree. This is the first year she understands a little about Christmas, decorations, and presents. Every day she asks if it is "Christmas time today." Bigdog was of course enthralled with the neat decorations and was very successful at taking down anything he could reach.


Amy said...

Hmm...your tree and decorations curiously remind me of your wedding reception :) The lights on your house look beautiful! I like the blurry picture.

Holly Janeen said...

dear elaine,
i am jealous of your life.
all my love,

hm... perhaps we should do a ginger bread house making co-family night this month? fat chance that our husbands schedules will actually match up... but i can dream, cant i?