Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Boy

Bigdog turned one! What a big kid. His latest favorites are hiding under a blanket to play peekaboo, and putting toys/blocks/whatever in and out of containers or baskets. He is very good at talking-we just can't understand what he says. He does say mom and dad. I have also heard him say uh-oh, cheese, and boo. As for walking, he is not interested AT ALL. He has been crawling for so long and is very fast. Why walk? He is very active so I thought he would walk early, or at least before She-She did (at 13 months). But he is perfectly happy to buzz around on his knees. I am now thinking that he might wait longer than She-She because I just don't see him walking within the next four weeks. He doesn't even stand on his own.

Anyway, here are pictures of his big day.
This is the face we get when the camera comes out. His cute scrunchy smile.
He has two teeth on the bottom and just cut two more on top

Like the drool?
He is so happy he got She-She's mirror.

The lettering on the cake is made of Air Heads. Note: I thought it would be so easy to cut these out with a pizza cutter-it was NOT! Airheads are either REALLY sticky or very hard. There is no inbetween. I was imagining playdoe...not so much.
He has no clue what is going on

This is Bigdog putting the candle out...with his fingers. Oops. We weren't fast enough and he grabbed the flame. I dont know if it burned him. He just looked stunned but didn't cry. And didnt want to touch the cake after that.
Finally, with some persuasion, he ventured to touch the cake again. Then decided he liked frosting. YUM

Happy Birthday Bigdog!


Cherie said...

I'm impressed that you cut those letters out with a pizza cutter! I thought maybe you had cookie cutters. And I love the fact that you weren't able to stop him from touching the flame, but were able to get a picture of it. :) That's high quality parenting in action!!! He is getting so big and looks so cute, especially all covered in cake.

Anderson Family said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad he dug right into his cake! I can't believe it's been a year. We miss you guys!

Elaine said...

Yeah, with him touching the flame, right while I snapped a picture he went for the flame. I grabbed his arm and didnt realize I had a picture of it until afterwards. Nice timing, huh?

Mayhem no longer said...

Happy Birthday! He is so big! Those are classic pictures and I am totally impressed with the cake!