Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Here are some pictures we took in honor of Christmas. Can I just say it is so hard to get a good picture of these little monsters? I know it is the same with all kids. How do you get them to smile, NICELY, at the same time. Actually, it is impossible. Not to mention I am not very good with a camera (more on that later). But- they do look spiffy in their Sunday dress!

Bigdog is staring at spiderman lurking on the ceiling above She-She...I guess.

She-She is comforting her baby Kira.

Daddy is making funny faces.

This might be the winner. They both are looking at the camera in a calm way.

And a dose of sweetness. She-She got this coat from her great grandparents. Very cute.

1 comment:

Mayhem no longer said...

Cute! You did a great job, I think. I think the only way to do better is to use photoshop!