Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sea Life Aquarium

Some of us girls in Relief Society took a trip to an aquarium over in Sandy, Utah. I knew She-She would like it but I wasn't sure how Bigdog would do. HE had a good time, although, I was sweating and tired by the end. Between chasing him around, holding him up so he could see what he was interested in, and helping She-She get the most out of it, I was exhausted! I was impressed, though. There was a variety of animals including a tank with a few small sharks in it, and a pond where you could pet sting rays (which She-She was too nervous to do and I didn't let Bigdog because he would probably jump in after them). A pretty good set up considering we are in the desert, surrounded by snow, and far from the ocean.

This is Bigdog wearing his pirate hat in anticipation of our outing.

This is an octopus...
This is an octopus about to eat She-SHe
This is the octopus closing in for the kill...

Uh-Oh...Bigdog was eaten by the is dark inside the belly....


Laura said...

I loved that aquarium. It was a fun place. Are they still planning on expanding it?

Amy said...

I love the pirate hat! Fun fun fun!