Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gracie Says

Here are some more Gracie-isms. She keeps us smiling with her funny personality.

Gracie says-
*When introducing our family to a server at a restaurant, "Dats my Mom, dats Tempy, dats my sweetheart." Yes, Sean and Gracie have a special relationship and are best friends. Most nights Gracie asks if he has to go to work the next day (with a innocent hopefulness that he will say no) and when he says yes she often tells him she will have to go with him.

*"I'm just doing a bad hard day!" Our princess is kind of moody sometimes with the ups and downs expected from a two year old. So this is what she says to explain it. Or she tells us she is sick.

*"Hi big dawg!" Her favorite greeting for Kemp. Sean keyed the nickname.

*"Do you have penguins at your house?" Her question for Aunt Sarah when we visited her house one day. Does anyone have penguins at their house?

*"Stop yelling at me Tempy!" So Kemp is a loud little fellow. He loves the sound of his own voice, espcially when it echos like in our kitchen off the tile floor. He likes to yell at the top of his lungs just for the fun of it. Unfortunately Gracie has never liked loud noises and the hollering gets on her sensitive nerves. The poor girl thinks he his directing his loudness at her.

*"I don't want to be baptithed!" She meant baptized. When we asked why, she said, "The lotter (water) is berry cold." When we told her dad would help, the water would be warm, AND she would get a pretty dress, she said okay.

*"Mom I'm a monster...or a panda bear." This one came out of the blue one day when we were eating lunch. Random


Cherie said...

Those are all very cute. They sure make up for the times we wonder why we teach them to talk! If Gracie thinks Kemp is yelling at her now, wait until he starts talking. Kelton would yell "mine!" at Natalie just because he understood that it made her really mad. He didn't even know what it meant.

elise said...

i love it! afton uses the sick excuse, but that's about the only repeat :) they sure are creative, aren't they?!

Camille said...

We do have penguins at our house. Three of them. They live in the bathtub. Tell Gracie she can visit anytime.