Monday, January 4, 2010

Bigdog Photo Shoot

Its a few weeks late, but I took Bigdog to get pictures for his first birthday. He was pretty willing to smile, although we didn't get any big grins. Enjoy!

This is the official portrait. We ordered other poses, but this is the one we will hang up.


Mayhem no longer said...

You got a lot of great shots! I hate getting pictures taken, they are either all adorable or all ugly. Why do I have to pick just one?!

Cherie said...

He is just soooo cute!

elise said...

those are GREAT shots, he's realy photogenic :)

Amy said...

What a smiley, cute little guy! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas! It's not much fun when your husband works alot around the holidays. The back yard snowy pics make me want to go build a snowman too!

Anderson Family said...

He's so handsome. It's amazing how different they are! Who knows what your next would could look like!