Friday, July 10, 2009

Funny Boy

We were driving in the car yesterday when we heard Kemp in the back seat start laughing. Sometimes Gracie will smile and "boo" at him to get him to laugh. When we looked back we realized she was just staring out the window, while Kemp was having a blast entertaining himself. He would blow raspberries, and then laugh histerically. Soon we were all laughing. Kemp just thought he was so funny! Here is a little video we got. For the first 30 seconds he is distracted by Sean filming. Then Gracie gets in on it so that he will start laughing again. For about 20 seconds you can see just how much fun he was having. At times when we didn't video it, he was laughing so hard he almost couldn't breathe.


Holly Janeen said...

glad you got a video of it :)

and sorry i still havent called... 1. the week was crazier than i thought it would be, and 2. because i have been talking to family so much about the new pregnancy, we are REALLY short on minutes... so- i am hoping to call when we get more :)

Laura said...

So cute!

elise said...

love the laughs!

Cherie said...

Someone needs to invent an invisible camera. Kids always stop the way cute things they are doing when they see the camera. And even if they start up again, it's never as good! But that was very cute. He is getting so big!