Friday, July 3, 2009

Potty Progress

OK- I know you probably don't want to read this post- and thats okay. I just have to celebrate because Gracie is FINALLY POTTY TRAINING. I realize I am just going through the same thing as every other parent, but for me this is a big deal!
I was getting so nervous because it seemed every other kid her age was running around in panties. Then, a week ago, she went on the pot for the first time. After the busy weekend I jumped on it and this week she did such a great job. We sing songs, have candy, and talk about it constantly with her, and it seems to be working.
Potty facts-
She wore diapers at times this week (like when we were away from home or she was sleeping)
If we were at home for a while she wore panties
She had 0 *let me repeat* 0 pee-pee accidents
She went poop on the potty once
She has even taken off her diaper to go pee, even though she wasn't in underwear
So now we just have to work on the old #2 part of the whole thing. She is doing awesome!!!!


Cherie said...

Sounds like TONS of fun. That's great that she's doing so well. I hope she keeps it up!

Holly Janeen said...

i continue to be amazed and in awe of you! can you rub off on me more?