Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Falling for Fall

Today we went to Walmart. After tromping ALL. OVER. THE STORE.- I looked down and saw that Kemp only had one shoe on. So, we tromped back ALL. OVER. THE STORE. hoping to find it. No luck. Sure, he almost never keeps them on anyway (as demonstrated). Sure, he would probably grow out of them in a few weeks. But does that make me feel better? Not really.
On another note...
It is fall! When I was little I didn't like autumn. I thought it was depressing because everything seemed to be dying and it was cold and gloomy. Somehow I missed all of the beautiful colors. It is amazing! I love fall! The colors are bright and stunning. Some days are cold but others are absolutely perfect. I was going to steal some pictures off the web (because I haven't had my camera by my side to take pictures when we pass a picturesque spot) but started feeling guilty. So, I will try to take some and in the mean time, try not to feel a little envious as you picture in your head all of the beautiful fall colors surrounding me. :)


Mayhem no longer said...

Doesn't that suck?! Cambria lost a shoe in Best Buy one time. I was supposed to be slyly looking at prices for Scott's Christmas present while he was getting something for his dad. We ended up looking under every single display only to give up. Putting her in the carseat to go home, I found it on the floor of the car. :-l

Cherie said...

Yep, us too. We lost a shoe at Walmart. Crazy thing is, I knew the exact area where we lost it and still couldn't find it.