Sunday, October 11, 2009

Its A Small World

Did you watch conference? I got some really great stuff out of the talks. I was suprised that I was still able to absorb a fair amount even with two kiddies tugging at me to get my attention. Gracie was so excited to see Pres. Monson on TV. Not to mention on the local channel through the attena/digital box and not cable. Living in Utah definitely has its perks.

Did you hear the talk by this man? Russell T. Osguthorpe is the Sunday school general president. He spoke about teaching with the spirit and teachers 'saving lives'. At the beginning of his talk he told how his son left to go to work at the hospital and said, "I've got to go save some lives." Well- his son is Sean's attending and on the faculty of the residency. (Just in case you were wondering Dr. Osguthorpe works in pediatric infectious diseases.) Sean actually called him during conference (not while his dad was speaking) because Sean had to work and they had a kid with an infectious disease that they needed to consult about. So my husbands-attending's-dad knows President Monson.

P.S. I really liked the talk.

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