Friday, November 13, 2009

Bodily Functions

(Gracie after she drank a cup of milk)

G- Where did it go!

Me- Its in your tummy now

G- Here? Right? (pointing to stomach)

Me- Yep, thats where all of your food goes after you eat it

G- I want to see it! (tugging at belly button)

M- You can't. The food stays in there while your body uses it

G- I want to see it! It doesn't open?

M-No it doesn't open

G- stays closed. It is stuck.

Nexts school lesson: The digestive system.


Cherie said...

When Natalie asked that question and I told her that her milk was in her stomach, she then decided that it went down to her toes. In order for gravity to make sense, why would it stop only halfway down, right?

elise said...

paul says "that's great" he also thinks kemp looks like rayna (in the fair-ness and cheeks especially)... i LOVED the commentary, i had to share it with my sisters! we all laughed :)thanks for a smile.