Friday, November 20, 2009

Road Trip

Sean had a week scheduled off so we decided to head back to the homeland. Unfortunately Kemp got sick the night before we were supposed to leave. He threw up and had a fever above 103. The next morning we debated what to do. Kemp was acting like he felt a little better so we risked it and threw our stuff in the car. We split the trip down to Arizona in half by way of Vegas. We got a great deal on a motel and stayed the night. It was a good choice because Kemp was VERY sick (why didn't he tell us he wasn't kidding? That he wasn't feeling well before we left?) and there was an ice storm that we missed by going through Vegas.

It was great to see family. Unfortunately Kemp was sick the whole time, and wouldn't let anyone hold him or play with him, and mostly slept. Except in the car where he stayed awake. On the way home (a 10 hour ordeal) he was awake 9 hours. SHEESH!

We are pretty sure he had swine flu. I will spare you the nasty details of his symptoms. Gracie, Sean, and I were vaccinated so we never got it. Kemp had 1 of the 2 doses required for babys, so he was partially immune but not enough, apparently. I would have hated to seen what the illness looked like without being partially immune. Or maybe it wasnt swine flu at all. Perk of being married to a resident-We met Sean at the clinic where Sean checked his ears, etc. and called in Kemps prescription without an official doctor visit/wait.

In Arizona the weather was BEAUTIFUL. A few people commented that it was cooler than it had been but we thought it felt great!! We returned to find that beautiful fall is gone and snow has covered the mountains. It is officially COLD. VERY COLD. How did I survive when I was a kid. I walked to school everyday in elementary school. How did I not turn into an icicle?

Now our fun week is over and it is back to work. I miss being near our families. But, I am so thankful that I do have old and new friends here in Utah to make my life happy. And my sister. She rocks. I am not a huge fan of long drives but I am amazed at how well Gracie does. P.S. Portable DVD players are magical.

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