Friday, February 5, 2010

Evening Entertainment

Its 8:00 (or so). The kids are in bed. Sean and I drop onto the couch and sigh a breath of exhaustion after a long day. Then we turn to each other and in unison say, "Watcha wanna do?" The question stumps me every time, I tell ya. It really is a hard one.

This is the golden time where we are together, just us. The time where we want to grow in our togetherness and build our relationship in deep and profound ways. Yet, we are tired, and tempted to just turn in early to get and extra hour of sleep. Levels of energy are running low and activities that require minimal effort are the most appealing (i.e. TV).

I have been thinking about it and wondering. What do other people do when they get a moment together. I'm sure everyone has creative and clever relationship-building pastimes that somehow I have just forgotten about. Please remind me.

Here is what we usually end up doing when Sean is home at night-

1. Sean studies (I bet you thought the studying thing was finished when he finished school. Ohhh no. Big no) and I do something to entertain myself. This usually means cleaning, catching up on household business, reading a book, or blogging.

2. We watch the TV. Or a movie. Or an old rerun on TVland online. And eat something unhealthy like ice cream

3. We stare into each others eyes and take turns telling one another our favorite qualities about the other person. No really, I'm serious about this one...

4. Once a year we play a board game.

5. If we are feeling really rowdy, we hook up the Wii and enjoy some quality time together racing on mario cart.

6. And thats all I can think of right now

So do tell. What is the favorite thing you and hubby do at night after the kids go to bed? Keep it clean people. :) hehehehe.


Cash Family said...

Well, we don't have a dishwasher, so we usually do the dishes together. BUT usually we watch a movie... BUT lately, we have been doing family history together. It's a lot of fun!! BUT Nate is usually studying too.

Anderson Family said...

I'm glad to know we're not the only ones. We usually watch TV/movies. We play scrabble every once in a while. We also like to have profound conversations, usually after watching NOVA. What can I say? We're nerds!

Amanda said...

We do the same things as you guys. We don't do anything profound but enjoy the fact that we have each other and that we aren't doing this parenting thing alone. I think that is what makes it deeper for that knowing my hubby comes home every day after a long day and his boys and the dog are so happy to see him. It makes me love him so much more to see that he is just as excited and it makes the fact that we are so tired at the end of the night worth it.

Cherie said...

Well, it looks like we do the same thing as everyone else. TV, a movie, or we do play the wii together. We have a closet full of games that we are always to tired to play--or too lazy to decide on one. And I have to say, I eat a lot of ice cream when the kids are in bed. I figure I've earned it!

Holly Janeen said...

well, you are leaps and bounds ahead of us in this category, laine.

we usually eat, watch a movie, talk (or jeff just listens while I talk), sometimes play games, i make Jeff read my blog or family newsletter, and lots of times he just plays guitar while i browse blogs... and we don't talk at all.
i think those are all the clean ones... ;)