Monday, February 8, 2010

Post 100

Can you believe it? This is post number 1-0-0 for me. I guess my little recipe project made the last few posts add up quickly, but I am still impressed with myself.

I remember when I very first stumbled onto the idea of blogging a little more than two years ago. I had just started my own blog, when I read on a friend's blog that she was at 100 posts. I was astonished! I was sure I would never get to that point. Could I stick with it? Would I find anything interesting to write about? Would anyone read this humble little part of me floating out in cyberland somewhere?

But I made it. I have a few readers. I have found things to write about-mostly simple pieces of our family life. But I still have a kind of a proud feeling that I actually MADE something. And someone cares. Even if it is just my mom checking for pictures of the grandkids.

The picture above was taken yesterday. Lets not talk about the game-we may or may not have watched the game on Sunday. Don't judge :). I will just say that it is fun to cheer (and cry) as a family. Its fun to have something unite us. Even if it is a football team.

Little reminder- If you are a cook-blog-share-er post or email me tomorrow (Tuesday) Thanks!

1 comment:

Holly Janeen said...

you are cute.
and i love that your family spends time together.
i read an article in this months ensign about a family who started calling family time, "family club" and they did lots of random things together.
congrats on making it to 100... i hope you go on to 1000!!!